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tv   wusa 9 News at 5am  CBS  February 7, 2014 5:00am-5:56am EST

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>> weather wise, all right. it's going to be slipping anywhere today. we have some sub freezing temperatures and there could be a slick spot but it's dry and it's going to stay dry today with flake over the weekend. we are looking partly to mostly sunny. mid 30s by lunchtime. on our way 240 for the high and back to -- no 40 for the high -- to 40 for the high and back to 37 for the high. and then tomorrow got a chance for some flurries and light snow. once this system hits the carolinas overnight, even southeastern virginia with a little light snow there. but that's pulling away so behind it we're getting some clearing and some colder temperatures especially north. we're down in the low to mid- 20s to our north. 23 gaithersburg. it's 23 also in winchester. teens in the mountains and up in pennsylvania. to the south, fredericksburg is 28. and easton is 27. this afternoon, partly to mostly sunny. low to mid-30s north about 40 in d.c. and look at that mid 40s if you're going to be down in fredericksburg and culpeper this afternoon. let's check in with monika samtani. here we are at 5:00 a.m. on this friday morning. normally at 5:00 in the morning a when things start to -- is when things start to get
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heavy. but on a friday morning and especially with the week that we've had i think it's going to be light for a little while longer. no issues to report on 270 still all green from frederick down to the point where the lanes divide. we're in great shape on the beltway. across the american legion bridge. let's take a live look on the other side of town in college park over at route 1. and traffic volumes are very light here as well on the eastern stretch of 495. back over to the maps, this time coming in from the west. sterling on the toll road. gainesville on 66. we're in great shape. and we're going to end with a live look northbound 95. southbound 95 pothole repair in dale city. back to you guys. thank you monika. it's something most of us do almost every day. you walk to the front door after you hear a knock or the doorbell and you open the door. >> but when a longtime alexandria resident did that yesterday, it cost her her life. delia goncalves is live in alexandria this morning with more on a murder that police are trying to solve quickly. good morning delia. do they have any information to go on? >> reporter: not just yet.
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however, police are still actively searching the area and they have this home still taped off well after this crime occurred at 11:30 in the morning. as you mentioned the gunman knocked on the door and fired his gun needily after the women -- immediately after the women opened the door police are telling us. this morning that gunman is still on the loose. music teacher and lifelong resident 59-year-old ruthanne lodato was killed a caretaker who also answered the door was shot but we're told she is expected to survive. the strange double shooting crippled the neighborhood around the 2400 block of ridge road drive. six schools went on lockdown and police searched for the killer. after about a cull -- couple of hours though, police determined the suspect left the area and reopened the schools and police said appears the gunman may have been a complete stranger. alexandria police chief earl cooke -- >> the suspect is described as an older white male, balding with gray hair and a full
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beard. we have no indication at this time that they knew the suspect. >> reporter: a third person inside the home was not identified, was unharmed as well. coming up at 5:30. why police are now revisiting another mysterious crime that occurred just about a mile away from this location. i'll see you in a of bar. back -- half hour. back to you. >> and delia is talking about this case. the killer in another recent murder case in alexandria. former arlington county sheriff's deputy craig patton -- wells this one of the cases is headed to prison. a judge handed down a six year sentence to patterson. a jury convicted him of voluntary manslaughter in december. he shot and killed julian dawkins last may after the two got into a fight in dawkins' alexandria neighborhood. patterson who's claiming self- defense did offer his condolences to the family but didn't apologize for killing him. and no word yet whether a body found yesterday in goochland, county virginia is
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that of a missing police captain. 45-year-old kevin quick disappeared last friday. he works for the police department in waynes bro which is west of charlottesville. his stolen toyota 4 runner was recovered monday. two people arrested tuesday in alexandria are charged with stealing that suv. well, it looks like we will not be seeing all of the court papers in the corruption case against bob mcdonnell. the u.s. district judge has issued an order restricting the disclosure of certain documents. prosecutors and defense attorneys agreed to those terms. and mcdonnell and his wife maureen you may remember are now facing a 14 count indictment accused of accepting lavish gifts from a supplements company ceo in exchange for promoting his company. the trial is set for july for the mcdonnells. time for the latest your money report of the morning. >> jess is in the newsroom with headlines and nice little bounceback on wall street
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yesterday. good morning jess. >> good morning to both of you. wall street is waiting this morning for the big monthly jobs report. a report showing a drop in jobless claims gave stocks a really nice boost yesterday. the dow and s&p 500 both scored the best rallies of the year. checking the numbers -- now even if we do get encouraging day out this morning on job growth, there are still about 10 million americans out of work. and a proposal to keep unemployment checks coming has failed in the senate. the push to grant a three month extension fell two votes short and law may, couldn't agree on how to pay for the $6 billion to extend the benefits. it's back. this is like the sequel to a horror story that keeps coming out. today the nation hits the debt ceiling yet again. that means the treasury will no
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longer have the authority to issue bonds as necessary to pay off the government's bills. now in a couple of weeks the government could run out of money altogether and begin defaulting on payments that is unless congress steps in and acts to raise the official debt ceiling on the national debt. this is the fourth debt ceiling standoff in three years and needless to say, there's a lot of debt ceiling fatigue out there. >> yes. really jess. >> just a little yeah. >> i know. >> what do you have for us in the next half hour? we're going to talk about heading skyward to sell a house with a sky high price tag. i'll tell you what that's all about coming up. >> cool story. for a generation he's been the last face many people saw before going to head. now he signed off for the very last time really this time. that story is coming up. >> got a big chin. there's a hint. >> plus, the lights and the heat may be staying off for a while longer. pennsylvania and residents are trying to recover from this week's ice storms still. >> ahead in sports, secretary of state john kerry's latest
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diplomatic mission was on ice at verizon center. it's seven after the
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on this friday morning, 5:09. 20s and some low 30s out there now. we're going to have a seasonably cold day. a dry day and a pretty nice finish to the workweek. and then potentially a little bit of snow? spots over the weekend -- in spots over the weekend. here's a look at the forecast for this friday. call it a partly to mostly sunny. cold and dry. highs in the mid 30s and our northern suburbs to upper 30s, low 40s in the immediate metro. even 45 or so down in fredericksburg. i'll be back with the seven day forecast in a few minutes. right now monika and another update on timesaver traffic. here's a life look at the inbound side of the 14th street bridge where all lanes are open. along 395. same story on 66 to the roosevelt bridge and 295 to the 11th street bridge. back to you. here's a look at what's new this morning. only relatives and close friends will attend today's private funeral in new york for actor philip seymour hoffman.
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many who worked with the oscar star including actress amy adams and joaquin phoenix attended a wake last night. a larger service will be held later and 46-year-old hoffman died sunday of an apparent heroin overdose. thousands of people in pennsylvania may not be getting their power back until sometime this weekend. they've already gone two nights without heat since wednesday morning's ice storm there and the hardies hit areas it's even hard to drive around because there are so many power lines and trees still down. 22 years after taking over from johnny carson, jay leno brought back his very first guest for his final tonight show. billy crystal. crystal led a cavalcade of stars who turned out to say good-bye to leno who's retiring at age 63. comedian jimmy fallon will take over as host after the winter olympics february 17th. well, after the last few weeks we've had a string of fairly normal winter temperatures really sound nice about now. >> but howard's seven day
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forecast does include a few chances for snow. he'll join us next with details if it's going to be light or heavy. we'll be
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5:14 on this friday morning. as we look ahead to the weekend, howard is here to tell
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us who we have something to look forward to. >> yeah. a couple of days off. a little bit of snow here. a little. little being the keyword there. so yeah i think if we get anything it will be a dusting to a half inch in a couple of spots and i think west of town has a better chance than in town. so -- all right, let's get you going here. i'm happy. it's friday. weather is looking good a little cold. but it is february after all. we start mainly in the 20s and we'll be climbing into the mid- and upper 30s afternoon with high around -- this afternoon with high around 40 degrees. back to 35 by 7:00 and a think a few more clouds tonight as opposed to during the day today and another thing to notice the wind speeds are nice and light. 4, 6 miles an hour and not too much wind. so not too much windchill. clouds overnight are starting to pull away as the system hit the eastern carolinas. notice a little touch of snow just across the southern delmarva during the overnight and as that pulls away more breaks in the cloud cover. that's allowing temps to drop. in fact we're down in the low 20s now in winchester and gaithersburg at 23.
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westminster 21. couple of spots closer to 30 like in d.c. at 31 and 29 la plata. across the bay easton 27 and yes, the mountains are in the teens. it'd be a good weekend to get out and hit the slopes. probably going to be somewhere tomorrow skiing downhill. leesburg 27. 23 manassas. 28 waldorf and 25 over at joint based andrews. a cold frosty morning and ej in prince frederick was 30 with frost down there an hour ago. clear skies on the michael & son weather camera although officially partly cloudy. 31 feeling like 24. that breeze not much of it but it is 7 miles an hour out of the north-northwest. and humidity right now 57%. that's outside. inside, you're not humidifying that air boy it's like 6%. 8%. very very dry this time of year. in the northern rockies and northern plains with many below zero readings but a pretty quick jet stream coming across the southern u.s.. in fact it's great for california. getting much-needed rain.
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2, 3, maybe as much as 4 feet of snow up to lake tahoe before the weekend is out and the rain is going down in toward arizona. another weak system coming in towards texas with a little bit of sleet and freezing rain there. and then this other system coming off the florida and carolina coast. but you get the idea. things are moving quickly. so while we're going to see sunshine today, the next system is going to be here late tonight on and then on saturday. what it's going to do it's going to generate some of the warm invection and the warm air is coming in that's a mechanism in the atmosphere that does tend to generate clouds and some precip but tomorrow is going to be light. and there are questions how far is this going to make it? the futurecast wants to keep it west of us. i think some of this could actually overspread the region. but you notice the higher concentration west and this is why i'm thinking flurries light snow, half an inch or so or even less than that. so many maxes out tomorrow an inch. today 40 degrees. cool cold and dry. partly to mostly sunny. tonight we're back in the 20s with the t clouds moving -- the clouds moving in. tomorrow 35 degrees with some
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flurries or light snow at times. and then as we head into sunday again some snow showers or flurries can't be ruled out. 39. monday, drying out. 35. after an early flurry. cold on tuesday. increasing clouds wednesday and then rain and/or snow or a mix on thursday. that's the next biggest thing we're watching but that's middle latter part of next week. here comes monika with your timesaver traffic this frid morning. i do. and i'm starting off with our traffic feature and i love seeing all the green. all around town. no issues at all. all around the beltway. you've got a tiny bit of slow traffic kind of on the far out areas coming in on 66 toward gainesville and manassas. northbound 95 now beginning to fill out around dale city. but as you can see here, things are looking good inside the beltway. i'm going to show you one construction zone it's right here southbound on 95 in dale city where there's pothole repair going on. and they plan to be there until about 6:00 in the morning. just take a live look outside and here's what it looks like northbound on i-95 in
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springfield. no issues right now up to 395 and the 14th street bridge. and one last live look. this time over on to 270. looking great from frederick, a tap on the brakes maybe around route 109. that's about it. heading for the spur and down to the american legion bridge. back to you guys. well, for some reason, alex ovechkin seems to be especially productive during the seasons when he plays in the olympics. >> that's a good thing. [ male announcer ] fact: the 100% electric nissan leaf... is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, 'leafn s aieeasr choice than ever. ♪ shop at ♪
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shop at and when courtney is sick and e cold in her own home... it just breaks her mother's heart. courtney is winning her fight with leukemia, but her mother had to quit working, and the heating bills just keep piling up. my little pal, dylan, continues his fight against cancer, while his dad works two jobs to keep food in the fridge and oil in the tank. lyndsay's mother still struggles to keep the heat on, ...even though lindsay, thank goodness, is in remission. citgo petroleum, the people of venezuela and president maduro are once again the only oil company, and the only country, to answer our call to provide heating assistance to the poor. they make it possible for non-profit citizens energy to deliver millions of gallons of heating oil to families in need. i'm joe kennedy. if you need help, call me at 1-877-joe-4-oil. because no one should be left out in the cold.
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set 5:# 1 -- it is 5:20. looking good this morning, a little bit cold. we have 20s out there thankfully light winds and not too much windchill. but as we put it in motion on the futurecast, if you can deal with sunshine here 9:00. low 20s up in hagerstown and low 30s in fredericksburg and cambridge and easton all at 31. lunchtime here. 31 in winchester, 38 in la plata. partly to mostly sunny. a few more clouds this afternoon. our temperatures going to make a run toward the 40-degree mark. good morning everybody. the last time alex ovechkin reached the 40 goal mark was in the 2009/2010 season which also happens to be a winter olympics time period. last night, ovi reached that mark in an olympics sendoff game. coincidence? you decide.
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as for me just what went down last night at the verizon center. caps hosting the jets. first period marcus johannson passes the puck in front of the crease for brower. he picks up the first of the season. now in the third the caps down a goal. call from the duoguys. tting a the caps tie it up at two. then two minutes later, this time the great 8 notches number 40. it's ovi's sixth 40 goal season of franchise record. caps win 4-2 the final. now the caps have four players headed to the winter olympics next week so the u.s. secretary of state john kerry paid the caps a visit before the game to recognize and congratulate alex ovechkin, john karlson, nicklas backstrom and martin erat before they depart for sochi. kerry also did the ceremonial puck drop before the game last night. now the basketball, john wall also participated in the always exciting slam drunk contest in all-star weekend next weekend which is a first for him. currently the second ranked point guard in the league in
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dunks and his fellow back courter bradley beal will participate in the three point contest. he has shot over 40% from beyond the arc and of course this is wall's first appearance in the all-star game. in college park the tenth ranked lady terps dominated them. that will do it for your morning sports, i'm kristen berset. have a great friday. they may have passed emergency legislation but maryland lawmakers aren't done investigating problems with the state's health exchange website. we'll have more on that coming up. >> also ahead in jessica's next your money report. realtors are looking to new heights when it comes to marketing homes for sale. cool story. monika? >> if you're planning to head over on to 270. we're in great shape from frederick. there is one accident in kensington. a car went into a tree westbound beech drive at knolls avenue. police are on the scene. we'll be back range
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all right, time to get up if you're heading out to work or school. welcome back to wusa9 on this friday morning. i'm andrea roane. >> and we're all in red because we're talking about heart health for women this morning. we're glad you're with us. good morning monika. >> she's got it. >> we can see it. >> can you see it? >> good idea. >> definitely supporting howard who is going to take the challenge on every year. raising awareness. >> the heart walk in early november but this week this day it's about women's heart health and heart disease and stroke, number one killer of women by the way in case you didn't know that. we have to do something about that. weather-wise, a cold day today. but sunny. and quiet and not too windy. so a good way to finish out the workweek. your friday forecast temperatures starting in the 20s for most of us. we'll climb into the middle 30s
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by noon. high today is going to be around the 40-degree mark. and then this evening we're back into the mid 30s with some clouds rolling in and those clouds going to produce some flurries and light snow during the day on saturday. and light being the operative word. this morning, one system in the carolinas and taking the clouds with it. the clouds we had overnight. starting to clear in most areas east of the mountains and that's let temperatures get colder now. gaithersburg down to 21 and also in manassas and luray. so yes the radiational cooling it'scondit 15 north e border in york and 25 in cambridge across the bay and the windchill just to show you many cases there's a very same. so the winds are near calm and it's going to be a more comfortable morning even though it's cold it's better than when it's windy. highs this afternoon will range from the low to mid-30s up north to the low to mid-40s south and about 40 here in the district. here somes monika in her red skirt with timesaver traffic. i got the red on. national wear red today.
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if you're planning to head out on the roadways, things are looking great. there are no big problems to report on the beltway. we're in good shape. no red at all on the roads. a very happy to say that. through cheverly on the bw parkway and route 50 here on new york avenue at florida. there is some road work going on it's blocking one lane that's really not causing any delays this morning. let's take a live look outside and here's the beltway in college park and as i said, it is very very light here. on the beltway east side of town as well. let's go back over to the maps, this time over to southern maryland, route 4, route 5, route 301 all the great shape. a quick live look here on northbound i-95 no issues at all as you head for 395 and the 14th street bridge. back to you. this morning, police are searching for the killer of an alexandria, virginia woman. >> she was shot as she was answering her own front door. delia goncalves is live in alexandria with more on what police are trying to figure out in this case. good morning delia. >> reporter: good morning. to make this case even more
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bizarre and twisted is that they're telling us investigators, that the gunman may have been a complete stranger to these women who answered the door. and now detectives are revisiting an unsolved murder of 59-year-old round kirby. he was -- ronald kirby. he was a member of the washington metro council of governments and he was killed inside his home just about three months ago. police are telling us kirby lived a mile away from 59-year- old ruthanne lodato. police say she was gunned down seconds after answering her front door. 11:30 thursday morning. a caretaker was also shot but she is expected to survive. detectives locked down the area surrounding the 2400 block of ridge road drive as they searched for the gunman. described as a balding white man with a gray beard and neighbors are on alert. >> she's a very nice, very nice lady. she's very nice. and very energetic. >> can't let it define what we're going to be like living here. i mean the neighborhood is still nice and one random
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incident is hopefully not a defining moment. >> reporter: again neighbors are shaken certainly and taking a second look before they're opening their front doors. now they tell us. we're told that police should return to the neighborhood a little later this morning and continue their search. looking for clues and more evidence. again the suspect being described as a balding white man with a full gray beard. neighbors are telling us that he may have been wearing a suit at the time of the murder. back to you mike? >> thanks delia. so strange. so strange. 5:31 now. the family of a man who suffered a heart attack right across the street from a d.c. fire station is calling for the city to fire the firefighters who did not respond to the cries for help. relatives of cecil mills and their attorney spoke at the brentwood village shopping center. that is where the 77-year-old collapsed on the sidewalk two weeks ago. none of the firefighters at the station just across the street even walked over to help.
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mills died. the family's attorney also wants changes to the law so it makes it difficult to sue city's agencies. a couple of firefighters have been put on leave while the city investigates this. panel of maryland lawmakers is scheduled to mote early next week to discuss ways to address the state's ongoing problems with its online health exchange. baltimore delegate peter hammond says the group will focus on fixing the exchange and a time frame for putting solutions if place. the -- in place. the current period ends march 31st and emergency legislation has been passed to help those who tried but failed to sign up for coverage starting january 1st. it is 5:33. friday morning time for another your money report. >> and jessica is in the news room with a new trend in selling those high end homes. jess. >> thanks. for some real estate agents the sky is the limit when it comes to marketing $1 million listing quite literally. this house will soon go on the
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market for nearly $1.5 million. to justify that sky high price tag, a new marketing strategy that could be poised to take off. >> but you get the scale, you get the feeling of the actual home. you can see you know hey this thing is on an acre and this is what it looks like. >> realtor randy churchill hired a commercial drone company. he'll post the footage online to market the million there are view of this san francisco -- dollar view of this san francisco suburb. >> between social media, twitter, you name it, they will see the video before they even contact their own realtor. >> the man operating the drone doesn't want you to see his face because he knows the faa has prohibited the commercial use of drones. eventually, they'll be regulated. >> that is something that's going to continue to grow. i mean there's more and more companies coming out that are using it. if it's any sort of film production, it's limitless because it really bridges the gap between something you can
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have on the ground and a full sized helicopter. this will something we do now on over home that we're marketing at the price point. >> at a cost of $500, the drone video is actually cheaper than the photothat is local realtor chris jeffries has shot for his million dollar listings. he says d.c. based real estate agents can easily drop $2,500 or more on high end marketing. while jeffries thinks privacy concerns could slow the adoption of drones in the d.c. region, elsewhere in the nation, the commercial drone business is expected to bring in billions of dollars within a few years. >> when you're not going to stop people and you're not going to stop competitors because again the technology that everybody is going to have. >> now there is a big risk with running a business that actually breaks the law. back in 2011, the faa slapped a commercial photographer a fine of $10,000 for using a drone to shoot a video of the university
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of virginia. hard to make it $10,000 fine work when you're only getting paid about $500. >> i know. >> yeah really. >> something to think about. >> big ticket. >> all right. thanks a lot jess. well, congratulations to tonya phillips of darnestown, maryland, she is our wusa9 facebook fan of the day and winner of our last four pack of extended lift tickets at snow time resorts. >> tonya sent us this picture of her doing what look like a polar bear plunge. she said i should be fan of the day because i wake up to you every morning wusa9. love the local reporting and love my friend howard bernstein. >> if you want to be our next fan of day at wusa9, go to the facebook fan page and click on the fan of the day tab and tell us why you should be the fan of day and link your favorite facebook picture to us and we will post it. we put a big smile on howard's
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what if we could keep enough plastic waste to cover mt. rainier out of landfills each year?
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so you can take them out less often.
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5:38. it's a cold morning out here have pulled out and i'm seeing the stars and the winds are very light. the flags are hanging pretty low. and that makes it a lot more bearable. our forecast today, pretty nice here for a friday in february. we're looking at partly to mostly sunny conditions. and while we're starting in the 20s and low 30s it will be a cold dry afternoon. not too much wind and the 5, 8, 10-mile an hour range and highs today low to mid-30s north to hagerstown. 45 fredericksburg and about 40 here in d.c.. seven day forecast in five. right now monika and timesaver traffic. and the beltway here in prince george's county at central avenue looking great down to st. barnabas road and the wilson bridge. all of the southern maryland corridors are incident-free and there are no issues right now inngon the bw parkway and route 50 through sherry. back to you -- cheverly. back to you guys. and joan us on the facebook page to take a guess at our
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question of the morning -- >> and you know what? our facebook friend harry ellis is probably not far off. he says all three at once. and that is dangerous. post your comments on our facebook fan page and we'll have the answer in about an hour. and after a lot of sun today, snow is entering the picture for the weekend but just how much? howard's up next with the seven day forecast. >> plus, after initially raising hopes that congress could reach a deal on immigration, house speaker john boehner is throwing some cold batter on that idea -- water on that idea. >> let's see who's celebrating a birthday today the 7th of february -- he's currently on the hit "ncis: los angeles." actor nickel ferre re -- miguel ferrer is 59. actor james spader is 54.
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>> country music superstar gatt blocks is 52 -- gatt brooks is 52 today. -- garth brooks a 52 today. chris rock a 49 and he's on "two and a half men." actor ashton kutcher turns 36 today. if it's your day. have a great day. we'll be guy 2: i told you you could build your own skillet. guy 1: i'm glad i got it while it's still around. with 30 ingredients to choose from, you can't go wrong. guy 2: yeah, i've never had a combo like this. guy 1: like i always say, you've got to try something new. guy 2: try something new? you've had the same haircut since seventh grade.
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waitress: hey, welcome to denny's.
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5:44 almost. whatever howard tells us it's going to be good news because it's friday and the weekend is ahead? >> the folks that were thinking they were getting a big storm this weekend, sorry about that it's not happening. not happening. >> listen to howard. >> we have a little couple of weak systems that are coming. we'll get a few snow flakes tomorrow and again on sunday but other than maybe this much? yeah. that's about it. weather-wise today, a nice looking friday and we're all wearing red today to support
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women's heart health. stop heart disease and stroke the number one killer of women. weather-wise sunny but cold day. temperatures climbing toward the 40-degree mark this afternoon. after starting in the 20s and these wind speeds are nice. look at that, 4, 6 miles an hour we'll take that especially this time of year. so just windchill can be brutal. clouds overnight and they're pulling away to the east pretty quickly as the system that brought some rain and snow to the carolinas and extreme southeastern virginia has pulled into the atlantic. we cleared out and temperatures are dropping. down in the 20s 234 most areas to -- in most areas to 31 in town but not thenar away single digits in williamsport. cleveland 2 below and oakland is at 14. locally down to 20 now in westminster. manassas, winchester all at 21- degrees a very cold morning there with 26 in fredericksburg and 26 also across the bay in easton. look at this. outside on our michael & son weather camera, visibilities fantastic and skies have cleared out. 31 degrees with a windchill of 24.
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but many in areas the -- in many areas the winds are dead calm. the seven when you get near the water there's less friction and things are more open and you get a little breeze to go and that's what's happening at reagan national at the moment. the barometer 30.32 and steady. really cold stuff great falls and down to denver 6 below. yesterday in elk, montana it was 50 below for the air temperature and even yellowstone right there got to 47 below. meanwhile a lot of the country seeing that cold air push south and that push of cold air thanks in part to the jet stream which has dipped well south the southern branch of the jet actually coming across california with some much- needed rain. snow pack in the sierras was 4% to 6% of normal. they are desperate because that's the water supply come spring and summer. little bit of wintery weather in west texas and that's the system overnight pulling away and taking the clouds with it. so for us, we sit in a good ot but have to watch the
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southwest because we'll get some energy tomorrow. that's why i'm thinking during the day tomorrow. flurries or even a period of light snow. could put a dusting to perhaps i'm thinking a half inch i don't think we're going to see k that much precip. 40 degrees today. cold and dry. clouds thicken up tonight. we'll be down in the 20s and upper 20s in town and low to mid-20s in the suburbs. tomorrow 35 with some flurries and light snow at times. should not be a big deal. not even going yellow tomorrow. i think maybe more we'll go yellow but 35 during the day and light snow and roads are safe. just wet. 39 on sunday with again a chance for some flurries and snow showers. monday and early flurry perhaps and tuesday is dry and then the latter and middle part of next week, we have to watch thursday with some storm potential. just too early to know. here somes monika with the ipad app showing us the traffic feature which is pretty any few and as we told you before -- nifty and as i told you before the price is great. free. th wil mark the partnership
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between the united states and france with a tour of the home in charlottesville. jefferson was u.s. ambassador to france from 1785 to 1789. virginia's natural bridge will soon become part of the state park system. real estate developer anglo puglissi sold the bridge and the surrounding angers to a group for -- achers to a group -- acres to a group. by itself the bridge is worth $21 million. >> it's worth a visit. your teenager may suddenly take an interest in horse racing this spring. that's because grammy award- winning singer lorde is headlining excuse me this year's infield concert at the preakness. she won for song of the year and best pop solo for her number one hit "royals." some veteran olympians get off to a promising start at the sochi winter games. that story is ahead in our next half hour. >> also coming up, our expert movie reviewer is back with his recommendationer ywh've seen or if you're a local
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merchant with a deal for our viewers, i'd love to hear from you on facebook. and i will send it over to my buddy andrea roane. all right jessica. and before you waste any money on movies you want to hear what "usa today" entertainment editor dennis moore says about this weekend's movie. it's been taught to turn on a talk show without seeing a cast member from "the monuments men." take a look. >> we have been tasked to find and protect art that the nazis have stolen. >> well the chaps are all very anxious to get started. we have the act text from chicago, the sculptor, a director of design and a few other experts in various fields of fine arts. >> how are the fellas making out? >> like olympians. >> this premise a true story but when i first heard about george clooney and his cast of characters to me it sounded like another ocean's 11. what was your impression? >> it does start that way. he collects the group to go find the artifacts that the nazis have absconded with d


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